LIFE INSURANCE | How the pandemic has made us realize the worth of the homemaker

Staying at home perforce for over two months has made most of us realise the worth of home chores. Now that you are doing the dishes, managing school projects, and ensuring that the house stays clutter-free, you also have time to ponder who ran the household like a well-oiled machine all these years.

Lovely dishes that magically appeared on the tables, clothes that were effortlessly washed and ironed, elderly folks who were taken care of, and the daily shopping needs that were met without effort now feel like the work of a wizard. The truth is, the wizard has been working her magic at home all these years, making it possible for the rest of the family to enjoy the benefits, without taking any credit for any of them. It is the working-at-home mom, the domestic goddess who’s been doing this for years, without logging in to work at a specified time, nor taking a day off or calling in sick, anytime.

Research worldwide suggested that the presence of stay at home spouse or mother is what makes a family economically and socially stable. Mothers are often the ones responsible for setting and maintaining the rules to keep the family healthy and going. Stay at home mothers perhaps has the highest economic value for the family and society. Their value in raising and wellbeing of children and their development is uncontested.

As a homemaker, the hours are long and there’s no pay coming in at the end of the month. And yet, the modern Filipino woman has been balancing the monthly domestic budget, ensuring the family’s fitness, and planning for the kids’ future. Nor does she neglect her own identity.

The enforced lockdown necessitated by the global coronavirus pandemic has ensured that all family members pitch in to help with household chores, usually done by the woman of the house. While she still shoulders the lion’s share, husbands and children are beginning to understand the worth of the continuous tasks she usually engages with, just to keep the home running smoothly. Just as the domestic help is missed sorely, the mother’s worth in organizing, negotiating, and expediting a hundred things around the house is now being given a silent salute.

How much should a homemaker have?

It should not be a surprise for you to know that your homemake is exposed to almost all the critical diseases as you are. Further, if the homemaker is exposed to almost all of the critical diseases as you are. Futher, if she is diagnosed with one of these diseases the financial burden treatment and recovery will aggect the family finances, although the impact could be less than the case where you are affected. 

The best option is to go for a co- insurance policy. For instance, find a cover that will allow to cover your spouse as well. However, you can still select a separate life cover for your spouse. The cover for homemaker would be a maximum 25% of your own life cover under the policy. However, if your spouse has an income, you can get an even higher amount of cover.

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