Mistakes That Can Guarantee Life Insurance Claim Rejection

Mistakes That Can Guarantee Life Insurance Claim Rejection

Life insurance is designed to keep a family financially safe from sudden and unexpected events such as the death of a family member. In case the provider of the family dies, their life insurance policy is supposed to provide a cushion to protect the family members.  However, there are some instances when a claim for…

Critical Illness Insurance – A Must Have

Critical Illness Insurance – A Must Have

When a family member is sick, it becomes everyone’s concern to make them feel better. This is true whether we have a loved one who is suffering from the common cold or if they have been diagnosed with a more serious, life-threatening illness. However, treating illnesses requires money. Serious illnesses can take their toll on…

How many are insured in the Philippines?

How many are insured in the Philippines?

Out of the 106 million Filipinos residing in the Philippines, not even half are covered by insurance. There are many reasons for this. This article will talk about the many opportunities people miss out on if they do not invest in some sort of insurance policy.  Why do Filipinos hesitate to invest in insurance? There…

How to choose the best insurance provider in the Philippines
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How to choose the best insurance provider in the Philippines

Choosing an insurance provider can be difficult. There would be many providers and choosing the right one can be tedious. All the providers will have attractive offers, hearing all of them might confuse you more. We have made a fool-proof guide on how to choose the right insurance provider for you. Choosing the right insurance…

Why should millennial’s have life insurance
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Why should millennial’s have life insurance

Millennial’s are part of the youngest generation of adults today. They have their jobs, they might be buying their first home, starting to raise their families and taking out their first loans from the bank. These are just a few of the many reasons why the Millennial generation would need life insurance. They are having…

Where do Young Professionals nowadays invest?
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Where do Young Professionals nowadays invest?

Yuppies, or more commonly known as Millennials, are slowly beginning to appreciate how important investing is. These young professionals know that their salaries from their nine to five are not nearly enough to be able to allow them financial freedom. Young professionals invest in many things nowadays, this enables them to become richer and live…

Is life insurance a good investment?
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Is life insurance a good investment?

There would be many channels where one can choose to invest. Many people agree that life insurance is a good investment, but how true is this? How do people truly benefit from investing in life insurance? What is considered to be a “good” investment? Before we can answer if life insurance is a good investment,…